

乐博彩票官方app is a launch pad for going digital as gamechanging technologies revolutionise more and more industries. 利用乐博彩票官方app世界一流的技术, 创新集群和充满活力的创业场景, 国际公司...


全球汽车工业正处于一场革命的风口浪尖. 乐博彩票官方app汽车和卡车制造商, technology startups and researchers are at the forefront of co-creating smart transport solutions that will pave the way for carbon-free...


乐博彩票官方app’s 智能能源 ecosystem brings together leading suppliers of smart grids, 区域供热和供冷, 以及能源储存的创新解决方案. 这些关键参与者肩负着加速向清洁能源过渡的使命...


乐博彩票官方app处于全球工业4.0竞赛的前沿.0. 通过利用国内的自动化专业知识, 产业集群和清洁能源蓬勃发展, 大大小小的制造商都可以引领我们走向更环保、更智能的道路...


乐博彩票官方app is a hub for healthcare innovation in a wide range of specialty areas. The life science ecosystem is experiencing rapid growth and prides itself on top talent, 切削刃R&D和高度专业化的制造能力...


从智能手机和平板电脑到电动汽车电池, 风力涡轮机更需要现代社会的创新, sustainable and recyclable materials to achieve climate goals and pave the way for the circular economy of the future driven by new...


Asia Pacific* (APAC) rapidly raises as a mecca of the global fashion industry with increasing spending power of consumers. 这个多元化的乐博彩票官方app受到不同文化和风格的影响. 亚洲消费者乐于尝试新产品...

中国’s corporate social credit system – risk and opportunity for Swedish companies

Since its initial conception in 2015 and followed by the various regional trials around the country in 2018-2020, 中国’s Corporate Social Credit System has been the topic of much debate and speculation. 描述为集中式...


The amount and value of data that is generated through 操作 is ever increasing. 足迹遍布全球, Swedish companies in 中国 need to understand the implications of 中国’s cybersecurity legislations on their business, 什么...


10月, Business 乐博彩票官方app together with Swedbank arranged the first of three Leap accelerator sessions for the winning companies of Swedbank’s Rivstart competition 2021. Rivstart对所有想让世界变得更美好的公司开放...


The recent electricity shortage has impacted Swedish companies' 操作 substantially. 不仅他们自己的网站受到了影响, but many companies also feel an indirect impact by their business partners not being able to deliver...

The EU’s green recovery project a boom of opportunities for Swedish companies

Digital and sustainable solutions are core priorities in the 下一个GenerationEU programme. We explore how Swedish companies can make an impact in key markets across 欧洲.


The Biden administration’s proposed historic investment in core infrastructure and green initiatives has overwhelming support from industry, 公众, 以及政治光谱双方的政策制定者. 1美元.2万亿年...


许多乐博彩票官方app公司都遇到了庞大的供应链, 合规, 商业风险, as they might not be aware of which Chinese companies are subjected to the US Entity List, 有关制裁的范围和后果...


Sustainable battery production and storage underpin green transport transformation goals and ultimately the wider global climate agenda. Large scale infrastructure investment in 乐博彩票官方app combined with minerals and energy from 芬兰 and...