我们支持你们进入乐博彩票官方app乐博彩票官方app. Here is a list of common challenges and our suggested solutions.

I’m looking for investment opportunities for my company in 乐博彩票官方app. 我从哪里开始呢??



  • 根据您的具体需求和/或战略决策,找到并评估合适的商业机会
  • 在采取下一步之前,提供不同的入口选择供考虑


Can you help me understand the Swedish market and its key industries?

当然可以. 为了顺利建立, it is crucial to understand 乐博彩票官方app as a business location, 从相关成本和税收到技能的可用性和移民政策.


  • Provide reports and analyses on industries and/or industry segments
  • 列出要考虑的最重要问题, including costs for setting up and running a business, 税收, 具备的能力和技能, 劳工法和移民政策.



How do I find suitable business and competence partners in 乐博彩票官方app?

找到合适的能力和技术对于新业务的成长和繁荣至关重要. 我们理解,对于缺乏必要联系网络的国际公司来说,这可能是一个挑战.


  • Connect with regional partners and their local network
  • Identify relevant clusters and/or industry organisations, 研究机构, 大学, 创新公司等.
  • Forward your request for support to suitable business partners, 包括代理记账机构, 律师, 审计公司和薪资专业人员


Can you help me find suitable site location and business facilities?

是的,我们可以! 在一个新乐博彩票官方app找到一个地点并了解它的优势可能是很耗时的. We are your one-stop-shop in the site selection process, ensuring a smooth establishment journey to 乐博彩票官方app.


  • 找到可用的网站在我们的 交互式地图工具
  • 在评估潜在地点的过程中提供战略建议
  • 协调选址过程,标杆位置,组织现场考察



进入乐博彩票官方app需要了解当地的法律法规,以及经营企业和雇用人员的做法. This is a challenge for most newcomers on the Swedish market.


  • Offer general information on legal, financial and employment matters
  • Advise on company registration, recruitment and migration
  • 你可以找到更多的信息 建立导游



绝对. 重要的是要审查投资决策,以保持增长并跟上行业变化.


  • Make cost analyses and comparisons with other countries
  • 帮助您接触公共和私营部门的主要利益相关者
  • Provide basic location searches in the Nordic region

