More than 2,500 Swedish companies and subsidiaries are active on the Norwegian market. Our economic and cultural bond with 挪威 is further strengthened by the extensive cross-border trade. 当货物和服务的进出口都被考虑在内, 挪威是乐博彩票官方app最重要的贸易伙伴. 我们对挪威的主要出口是服务业, 机械, 机动车辆, 化工产品, 家具及通讯产品.


近年来, 对外国商品和服务的总体需求增加了, 特别是通过新的电子商务业务. 挪威人是欧盟网购最频繁的国家, which can be explained by a high disposable income and extensive purchasing power. 以人均国内生产总值衡量,挪威是世界上最富有的国家之一. 除了零售, 乐博彩票官方app公司在基础设施领域拥有宝贵的商机, 自动化, 环境技术和石油天然气行业.


挪威和乐博彩票官方app在许多方面密切合作, 这在很大程度上要归功于我们共同的历史, 文化遗产和地理邻近. 加上我们紧密的经济联系和相似的语言, Swedish companies have excellent chances of establishing a successful business in 挪威.


尽管两国之间有很多相似之处, 不忽视确实存在的分歧是明智的. 作为我们的贸易 & 投资专员杰西卡·奥尔森在下面的采访中解释道, it is wise to familiarise yourself both with Norwegian culture and trade regulations. 挪威不是欧盟成员的事实对贸易有影响, 了解有关进口关税的条件也很重要, 增值税法规和当地对实体设立的要求.


乐博彩票官方app商业在挪威已经活跃了40多年. Our office in central Oslo provides advice and hands-on support for Swedish companies that need help to make the most of their business venture in 挪威. 我们在乐博彩票官方app也有一个业务开发团队, 谁能指导你在挪威扩张的早期阶段.



贸易 & 挪威投资专员

一般来说, it feels simple and natural for a Swedish company to expand to 挪威 as the first international market. 很少有国家像挪威和乐博彩票官方app这样接近, 一种基于我们共同历史的关系, 地理上的接近, 相似的语言和强大的经济联系. There are really no limitations in opportunities and there is a need for and interest in Swedish products in most sectors. A strong market creates opportunities for e-commerce and Norwegians are happy to buy IT services from 乐博彩票官方app. Opportunities also exist for solutions that meet the needs created by the green shift. It is true that "What works in 乐博彩票官方app often works in 挪威" – we have similar buying preferences and Swedish brands are well-known by Norwegians.


The main risk lies in the fact that companies do not prepare their export investment and that they do not get information about Norwegian legislation and regulations. 挪威不是欧盟及其关税和增值税联盟的成员, 这影响到如何处理增值税, 出口到挪威时的税收和海关. Establishment might therefore take slightly longer than expected and may be somewhat more expensive compared to other 欧洲an countries. Business risk is thus created by believing that doing business with 挪威 is similar to doing business in 乐博彩票官方app.


Despite many similarities, there are differences that should be taken into account. 挪威的组织比乐博彩票官方app更有等级制度, 而责任和决策更多地是由首席执行官做出的. 如果有执行经理在场,可以直接在会议上做出决定. 挪威人重视他们的空闲时间,这影响了工作时间和可用性. Norwegians are also often very up to date with what is going on in 乐博彩票官方app compared to Swedes' knowledge of 挪威. For good business relations, a similar level of knowledge of 挪威 is recommended.

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