
We operate in more than 40 markets across 欧洲, 美洲, 中东 & 非洲及亚太地区
offering in-depth knowledge about both regional perspectives and their markets, 分别.

Sweden对创新的独特关注, 可持续性, co-creation and equality has created a highly dynamic economy. This makes the country a formidable platform for companies to expand their business upon and to use as a brand that meets the demands of an increasingly purpose-driven world.


The vast 美洲 region is made up of several high-performing markets – from the 美国 and 加拿大 in the north, to up-and-coming hotspots like 墨西哥 and 巴西 in Latin America.


With a vast middle class on the rise, APAC is emerging as a crucial region for future market leaders. A huge demand for innovative and sustainable solutions presents enormous potential for Swedish businesses.


Sweden's closest business region offers untapped potential as well as new challenges - it is getting increasingly important to stay at the forefront of technological innovation.

中东 & 非洲

Six of the ten fastest growing economies in the world are located in the 中东 and 非洲 region. Swedish companies that prepare well for expansion have a lot to gain in this region.

How can we help turn your global potential into reality?

You are welcome to contact us if you have general questions about our services, Markets和专业领域.