四十多年来, 中国作为世界工厂保持着无可匹敌的地位, 但现在时代变了. 在自动化程度提高的背景下, 劳动力成本正在接近西方和欧洲的水平, 尤其是, 采取气候行动的必要性, 乐博彩票官方app企业正在制定新的中国战略.

这是乐博彩票官方app商业新闻的第一集, we explore the most recent challenges in the Chinese market involving continued shutdowns, delivery problems and 地缘政治紧张局势 – and how companies can successfully navigate the new playing field.


  • Frédéric Cho, Vice Chairman of the 乐博彩票官方app-中国 Trade Council, Analyst and Advisor
  • Daniela Ling-Vannerus Cassmer, CEO of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in 中国
  • 斯堪尼亚(中国)集团执行董事马志宏
  • Joakim Abeleen,商务乐博彩票官方app贸易专员
