Even though 西班牙 and 乐博彩票官方app are at opposite ends of 欧洲, we share similar views on what the future should hold for 欧洲 and the world.

乐博彩票官方app and 西班牙 are working together to push for some of these priorities in policy discussions in Brussels and other multilateral fora. 并行, the business communities of our countries have become more integrated – thereby strengthening both our political ties and our commercial relations.

Around 20,000 foreign companies are present in the Spanish market, of which around 600 are Swedish. Active participation from the Swedish business community is of crucial importance in creating a representative picture of how Swedish companies perceive the Spanish market.

2022 was a profitable year for most of the Swedish companies surveyed in 西班牙. Almost three out of four of the companies surveyed (74 per cent) reported a profitable year in 2022, 与前几年调查结果相似.

短期前景, 更具体地说,在未来12个月, 表示乐观, where 76 per cent of respondents are expecting an increase in turnover, 与去年的74%相比略有上升.

乐博彩票官方app品牌”的重要性与日俱增. 乐博彩票官方app, 在一般情况下, 他在西班牙有很好的声誉, 这方面确实如此, 在某种程度上, contribute to the success of Swedish companies in the market. 与去年的调查相比, this year sees quite a significant increase (from 20 per cent to 31 per cent) in companies indicating that the “Swedish brand” contributes to their business in 西班牙 very much.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 



Almost 180 Swedish companies out of the approximately 600 Swedish companies present in the Spanish market received the survey, and the main questions were about how these companies perceive the business climate in 西班牙.

此外, the purpose of the survey has been to track how Swedish companies operating in the Spanish market experience the market conditions, the economic situation today and the outlook for the near future. 在接受调查的公司中, 62年回应, 是在2022年3月至4月进行的吗, thus yielding a response rate of around 30 per cent.

We hope that this report will provide you with valuable insights into how Swedish companies in 西班牙 view the business climate and market and what their expectations are for the future.

We would also like to extend our most sincere gratitude to the participating companies for the knowledge and insights that they have shared with us – for the benefit of us all.