几乎一半的受访者在乐博彩票官方app的* 2021年中国商业环境调查报告 were affected by changing international trade policies and sanctions. 在过去的几年里,美国和中国之间的紧张关系无疑是可以感受到的, 最终导致一场涉及关税的贸易冲突, technology restrictions and sanctions imposed by both sides.

Tariffs have received most of the attention in the media, 但对乐博彩票官方app公司影响最大的可能是美国的实体清单,该清单实际上禁止向选定的中国实体出口或再出口美国商品. 而在乐博彩票官方app商业环境调查小组(Team Sweden Business Climate Survey)中,只有16%的公司明确确认,它们受到了这类控制措施的影响, the consequences in such cases can be particularly severe.  

995美国实体名单中国插图.pngShare of Swedish companies impacted by the US Entity List
Source: Team Sweden Business Climate Survey in China 2021, (N=95)*

As of June 1st 2021, the US authorities have blacklisted 410 Chinese entities, of which several are customers of Swedish companies today. 即使产品是在美国以外制造的, 乐博彩票官方app公司并不清楚,可能违反新政策的个人将面临巨额罚款,甚至可能被判入狱.

这就是为什么理解这些政策以及它们如何影响业务运营是如此重要. Besides the compliance aspect, 美国关键零部件供应突然中断的风险,使与实体名单上客户进行贸易的乐博彩票官方app公司变得脆弱.   

“If a violation of the Export Administration Regulations has occurred, 将对所有有关各方进行调查,以确定它们在违规行为中的作用.” Bureau of Industry and Security U.S. Department of Commerce

美国商务部工业和安全局继续对被列入“黑名单”的中国企业实施更严格的美国商品出口限制, especially targeting the Chinese technology giant Huawei. 这意味着,向被列入“实体清单”的公司交易《乐博彩票官方app》(EAR)规定的物品,都可能构成违法.

Furthermore, EAR还涵盖使用美国技术生产的某些物品以及美国管制的材料, no matter where they are produced. The regulations have been updated more frequently since 2018, 有效限制华为及相关实体获取半导体等关键零部件.

As a result, 在全球供应链中运营的乐博彩票官方app公司需要仔细评估他们参与订购的风险, buying, 或使用任何受EAR管制的货物,并直接或间接将这些货物转让给实体清单上的公司.

Planning for an uncertain future

获取有关法规和相关责任的行业和产品特定知识对于遵守美国实体清单至关重要. Given that the Entity List and restrictions are continuously updated, 公司需要监控这些变化,并解释这些变化如何影响其全球供应链和业务运营.

Scenario-based planning is an effective tool in this context. 应评估现行法规变更的潜在影响, for example, 更换供应商的成本应该与在任何特定领域失去乐博彩票官方app份额的成本相权衡.  


  • Are any of your Chinese customers listed on the US Entity List?
  • What type of business activities are covered by the US Entity List?
  • 你们产品中使用的材料来自哪里?
  • EAR是否适用于您的具体情况?
  • Is any specially-controlled US technology used in the production?
  • What supply alternatives exist?
  • Is the customer value still justifying the increased cost to serve?

Do you need assistance? 我们可以帮助您识别美国实体清单中的风险敞口,避免陷阱. Contact us for an in-depth analysis.


Per portsamen,上海乐博彩票官方app经理 
Tel: +86 2162189955, per.porten@business-sweden.se

Robin agn,上海项目经理
Tel: +8613816448969, Robin.Agne@business-sweden.se

*Embassy of Sweden in Beijing, 乐博彩票官方app驻上海总领事馆, 中国乐博彩票官方app商会, and Business Sweden
